December - Saturday 22nd - Blackstone Fortress Demo
Come in and see the contents of Games Workshop's New Warhammer Quest - Blackstone Fortress Game and maybe have a go as well.
Coming the next few Saturdays
Demos of Gale Force Nine's Tanks The Modern Age and Warlord Game's Cruel Seas. Check here or on Facebook for Details
November Saturdays - Bolt Action
Come in store for WW2 Skirmish Action
Late October Saturday
Postponed due to new e-commerce site. Please check back for new dates.
The second two Saturdays during October come in store for an American Civil War themed demo game of the 2nd Edition Black Powder rules by Warlord Games and using their Glory Hallelujah supplement.
September Lord of the Rings Saturdays
Every Saturday during September come in store for a demonstration game of Games Workshop's new Middle-Earth Strategy Battle Game.
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August - Saturdays & Sundays.
SF Skirmish Games
Come to Wynfordia Games and try your hand at Games Worksop's Warhammer 40K Kill Team and Warlord Games' Strontium Dog Skirmish Games
July - Sunday's TravelBattle
Come to Wynfordia Games and try out this compact battle which comes with 2 scenery boards each of only 10"x10". It comes with everything you need to play in a foam lined box making for easy transport .
Throughout July - Come in and try Games workshops Soul Wars
June - Blood Red Skies Saturdays
Come to Wynfordia Games and decide the Fate of 1940 Britain. Can the Luftwaffe gain the control of skies prior to the invasion or will the "few" of the RAF succeed in holding them off. Only you can decide.
Demo every Saturday
June - GW Boxed Games Sundays
Dare you enter into the slums and sewers of a Futuristic city and lead your Gang to the top in Necromunda Underhive. Or is your aim to take your trusty companions into the unknown in the fantasy world of Shadespire.
Come in and try out demo games every Sunday.
May - Saga Saturdays
Struggle for supremacy as you command a small warband in the in the turbulent time known as the Dark Ages
Demo every Saturday
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May - Flames of War Sundays
Could you be a new Desert Fox or more of a Montgomery. Test your abilities with an armored battle in the desert.
Have a go at demo games on Sundays
April - Test of Honour
Brave Samurai, Warrior Monks, Ninjas and Evil Bandits fight for their lives.
Demo every Saturday (and most other days as well)
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